Sunday, 26 April 2015


More than 2,000 people have died in a powerful earthquake in Nepal, with many more feared trapped under rubble. CAFOD partners are on the ground helping to rescue those affected.

Prayer for help

Almighty God, in our distress and grief
help us to remember that you love us.
We do not understand why this great disaster
has happened but help us to trust you.

Loving Lord,
for those who have died, give them eternal rest
for those who are bereaved, comfort and console them
for those who are hurt, heal and strengthen them.
Lord God, enable us to help our suffering brothers
and sisters in whatever way we can.

Heavenly Father be with us now and always.   

Diana Sutherland, CAFOD supporter

Friday, 24 April 2015


Image result for loretta minghella christian aid
  On Tuesday 21st April Churches Together in Buxton, together with the Chaplaincy from Derby University (Buxton) organised a lecture at the Dome given by Loretta Minghella, Executive Director of Christian Aid. Several parishioners from Saint Anne's were present to hear a fascinating and highly motivating talk on the work of the aid agency delivered with knowledge, dignity..... and zing!  Thanks to everybody who helped to make this happen!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


It's good to know that these things are happening in the Diocese:

Chesterfield Peace Service
15th April 2015
St Philip Neri Church, Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, NG19 7AB
Join the church of St Philip Neri in a Holy Hour to pray for peace.